Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Recently Popular = not mostly used

We've got new data - from today...
This scatter chart shows how the ranking of each app in terms of it's "Recently Popular" list placement maps to it's ranking on the "Most Users" list. As we reported last week, you are more likely to be listed on the Recently Popular list if you have a low number of users.

Here's an anecdote:

  • The top 25 Recently Popular apps today (at 10am pst) included the #3 and #100 ranked Most Users... In other words, 23 of 'em ranked below the top 100 most used.

    You can clearly see in the histogram the concentration of highly ranked recently popular apps (the lower numbers) to the lower ranked (higher rank values) in terms of most users. Too bad we can't see the "active users" stats - maybe that holds the key to the Recently Popular list... or maybe it's just a promotional tool - which is ok too.
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