Thursday, August 9, 2007

Consistent Growing Facebook Apps

Growth rate gives an interesting perspective on Facebook apps - different than just most users or (ahem...) Recently Popular. Looking at about 2,000 apps which are in the top 1,000 most users or top 1,000 (ahem...) Recently Popular, there were 28 which had a daily average growth rate of 5% or better in the most recent week and 2% or better in the 3 prior periods - back to July 6. Here they are:

Of course, we excluded any app which couldn't get a calculated growth rate for any single period - so (disclaimer) we apologize if we might have missed a specific app due to our lameness in collecting the data for that app for one of the periods reported here...
If you want your own copy of this spreadsheet, you can get it on this link (you'll need to sign in to a google account - or register for one - which, no, does not require you to have a GMail account....)

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